My name is Myrna. I have created a space to share articles that will help us remember that the balance of our lives does not depend on our abilities or actions but on God and His Word. I want to help you to grow our faith and trust that while we know Him more and saturate our lives with His Word; we will start seeing the balance that we long and work for.
Since I was a little girl, my passion has been writing, later I discovered how much I loved to teach and help others to grow their knowledge and talents. Also, I love planning and organizing, in my battle to achieve perfection (that doesn’t exist on this side of eternity) I have learned to trust God more and more. I’m a wife, homeschooler mom of 3, and a total bookworm.
If like me, you desire to have a balanced life between work, the kids, your marriage, your dreams, your spiritual life, homemaking, and all the other hats. Join me, I don’t have a perfect formula to fix everything, but I will share what has led me to trust every day more in God’s sovereignty.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am due in July and I realized I’m behind on making my registry. This will be my first baby, and I want to make sure my home is as safe and ready as it can be. One thing I want to add, but have never seen anyone else do is a fund for Carpet Cleaning in Larchmont, NY. Can I add it or is that tacky? Thanks for the inspo!