7 Ways to Find Time for Blogging as a Busy Mom

7 Ways to Find Time for Blogging as a Busy Mom

Blogging as a mom is amazing, but it can also be very time consuming. Today I want to share with you 7 ways to find more time for blogging as a busy mom. 

I started my blog years ago as a pure hobby. I had no idea how to grow or monetize it, so I just blogged for fun.

After my baby was born, I knew I didn’t want to go back to my previous 9-5 job. I wanted so badly to stay at home with him and have more quality family time.

So I turned to my blog and I changed my mindset around it. I didn’t want to treat it like a hobby anymore, I wanted it to become my full-time thing. 

Becoming a successful blogger takes a lot of effort and dedication, but there are a few things you can do to become more efficient. 

If your baby goes down for a nap, you finally sit down at your laptop and have no idea what to even get started on first, then these tips will give you some pointers.

1. Write down your daily routine

If you feel like you never have enough time for blogging (or anything else for that matter), then it might be a good idea to jot down everything you do on any given day. Hour by hour. 

When you lay it all down on paper, you will start to see patterns and snippets of time that you could fill doing something more productive.

For example, when I first started we didn’t have any childcare or help. So I decided to cut down on my Netflix time in the evenings and work on my blog instead. 

This doesn’t mean I never watch Netflix, but I try to limit it and create a schedule to fit my blogging in as much as possible. It was a sacrifice, but I did it because I knew that was the only way I could grow as a blogger.

2. Blog when the baby sleeps

Going along with my previous tip, if your baby still naps, then that is a great time for you to get more blogging work in. 

When my baby was tiny, those were my pockets of time when I would work: during nap times and after his bedtime. It’s much easier to get things done when you don’t have a million distractions around.

3. Take shortcuts where you can

There aren’t many shortcuts in blogging. You do have to put in the time and effort to see results. But there are little things here and there that can help you be more efficient and get certain things done quicker.

For example, I found I was spending a lot of time editing my photos. Whether that was for my blog or Instagram. So I created my own Lightroom presets, which means I can now edit my photos in one-click, with minor adjustments here and there. 

It is a huge time saver for me. And because I want to help others out as well, I share my freebie bright and airy Lightroom presets with my readers.

Another thing I do sometimes is use stock photos for my blog posts. It’s nice to take your own photos, but sometimes you just don’t have the time to set up a table for a beautiful flatlay picture. Stock photos are amazing for this and you can find so many free ones online.

4. Write down your main goals for the month

Every month I write down a few main goals that I want to achieve. Because we can’t focus on everything all at once, this is a great way to reduce the mind clutter and be able to focus on just a few things at a time.

For example, each month I might want to focus on guest posting or creating more freebies to grow my email list, creating a new digital product, working on SEO etc. 

5. Create a weekly schedule

After I have my monthly goals written down, I can go ahead and create my weekly schedule. 

I know how many posts I want to publish and what my main tasks will be. So it’s now easy for me to see exactly what little tasks I need to do each day in order to achieve my main goals for that month.

6. Plan for tomorrow

Now that I have my weekly list all done, each morning (or the night before) I will write a quick to do list for the day. This helps me immensely, because it means that when I do get time to sit down to blog, I know exactly what needs to get done during those hours.

7. Write down how long each task will roughly take to accomplish

Another thing I like to do sometimes is write down roughly how much time each task on my list will take. You might not estimate correctly at first. But after a while you will start to see exactly how much time you need for everything on your to do list. 

For example, let’s say you find half an hour in your day with nothing to do. You can go back to your list and pick a task that usually takes you less than half an hour to complete. 

How do I create a blog schedule?

For creating my schedules and content plans, I like to use Google Sheets or Trello. I love Google Sheets because you can create color-coded tables that are really helpful. Trello is also amazing, because you can create boards and lists. You can also move things around easily from one list to the other.

Is it worth blogging in 2021?

If you sometimes feel discouraged and wonder if this blogging thing is even worth it: yes, it is. It can be a slow progress at first. But once you get the hang of it, it will pay off immensely. 

It is definitely not too late to start and grow your blog. You have a unique perspective and you have the ability to help others, so keep on blogging! One small step at a time.

A good work life balance can be hard to achieve, but staying organised and planning ahead can help a lot. There are always little things we can do that will save us time as busy moms

I hope these 7 ways to find time for blogging as a busy mom have helped you.

I am now so happy to be able to work on my blog from home and spend more time with my family. Your blog can do the same for you!

7 Ways to Find Time for Blogging as a Busy Mom
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4 thoughts on “7 Ways to Find Time for Blogging as a Busy Mom”

  1. “Hello,

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    Best Regards

    Karen Rutherford

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