17 Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends

Past 2 years have been tough on many of us. But encouraging, trusting and loving friends always bring hope to our lives. Thanksgiving prayers for those friends are the perfect way to celebrate this year.

There is a famous Thanksgiving sayings – “There’s always something to be thankful for.” But, in times like now, you need a little more inspiration to feel and share the message of thankfulness.

Thanksgiving Prayers for your Friends

Social distancing and now the news about new variants has made it harder to spend quality time with our friends. We catch up with each other over the calls, face times, Instagram stories, or Facebook. But there is another way you can spend time with your friends. This article will share tips and 17 Happy Thanksgiving Prayers for your friends.

Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends
Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends with FREE Prayer Printables.

The Bible is full of prayers for family and friends. This is a perfect time to refer to it, but for those of you who like pretty printable prayer cards, I have created beautiful printables with color mandalas. 

You can gift these to your best friends on Thanksgiving at dinner. Or share these over the email if you can’t meet in-person.

Friends gathered around Thanksgiving Table
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What is the prayer of Thanksgiving?

Dictionary.com gives one definition – “Thanksgiving is a day set apart for giving thanks to God.” You definitely do not need to wait for that one day in November to say the Thanksgiving Prayer. Many of you say the Thanksgiving Prayer below before your meals.

“Our Father in Heaven, we give thanks for the pleasure of gathering together for this occasion. We give thanks for this food prepared by loving hands. We give thanks for life, the freedom to enjoy it all, and all other blessings. As we partake of this food, we pray for health and strength to carry on and try to live as you would have us. This we ask in the name of Christ, Our Heavenly Father.” —Harry Jewell

The same way you can give Thanksgiving prayer for every blessing coming your way throughout the day. But you know what makes this prayer extra special? Your friends and family! But first, let’s see why friends are so important for all of us.

Why is it important to thank your friends on Thanksgiving?

The last 18 months have been challenging for all of us.  People who shared their life’s difficulties with friends have grown together through these tougher times. Friends are the precious gifts who walk alongside us, sharing our life journey. They offer us joy, comfort and reasons to smile when there is adversity around us. They accept us for who we are and add value to our lives where we need help, assurance and their wise experience.

I can’t thank my friends enough for their help during a rough path a few years ago. I had recently made a cross-country move, left my work, got married and settled in a foreign land thousands of miles away from my loving family. My friends helped me remain to remain objective, taught me how to see the positivity in new experiences, how to learn from my mistakes and how to be courageous to take unknown risks.

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, then alone in the light

Helen Keller

Some of those friends were still overseas, managing their own challenges. Yet, they did not stop from listening to my endless talk, many times late at night for them. Through those conversations, I gathered enough courage to settle down here.

Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends during Pandemic

Until this Pandemic hit us all, we were all busy with our families, work and endless duties of motherhood. But over the last 2 years, we have prayed together. We consoled each other and found smaller opportunities of joy and faith. We sort of created a regular praying routine in between us. I’m sure a prayer routine of a similar kind will help you and your friends as well. That’s why I am writing this article.

Do you wish you would have offered more help to your friends? You do not need to go out of your way to help them. Praying for your friends during Thanksgiving is all it takes!

How to write your own Thanksgiving prayer? 

Prayer is communication with God or the almighty or the one superpower. Think about the things you wish to say and hope for your friends and write them out on plain paper. Listen to that inner voice that guides you to be with your friends. You may get ready-made Thanksgiving prayers for friends on the internet like this one. But nothing beats the heartfelt prayer you can write in your own language and handwriting.

Prayer need not be complex or scientific. Just like a child talks with his father, you talk with your heavenly father. When you write the prayer for someone else, it is best to personalize the prayer with their name. This article includes 17 prayers you can use right away.

Note- Please know that these Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends are not perfect, but they are real. They are written from my own struggles over a period of a long time. Please take them as a starting point and change them as per your needs.

I often get a question from my friends.

Do you need to be religious to say Thanksgiving prayers for your friends?

No, not at all. For years, I felt I needed to be strictly religious to pray daily. How naïve was I? Some of my friends mentioned above do not practice any religious activities. Yet, they lift me up regularly. They accept me and I accept them when we are with each other- unprejudiced. That is what you need- being non-judgemental to say Thanksgiving Prayers for your friends. 

You don’t have to be a Christian to pray these prayers. They are for everyone.

One of the most beautiful qualities of genuine friendship is to understand and to be understood.


So, without further ado, here are the 17 Happy Thanksgiving Prayers for your friends. You can also use them for your family as good friends are the extension of your family.

Prayer for Acknowledging Friendships

When you acknowledge your friends, your life gets richer with more blessings. Yet, many times, we take this blessing for granted. Think about using the prayer below next time you spend time with the Word of God or his chosen friend for you.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my friend (insert the name here). My friend understands me, motivates me, and helps me make wiser decisions in a way that many in my family do not. You have brought us closer over the years and I trust (friend’s name) like my family. May our friendship bring you glory and may we continue to do the work for which has brought us together. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Prayer for Friends who are away from you

Many of you may have friends overseas or in other towns. Following Psalm emphasizes that no matter where our friends are, they always hold us dear.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity Proverbs 17:17.

These days, our lives are getting busier. We are constantly rushing from one thing to another. Something has to give to make room for all this busy work. Unfortunately, we give up catching up with friends to make up for the time. Can you make more time this Thanksgiving and pray for your friends? Use the prayer below to find a pockets of time in your busy schedule.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me my friend (insert a name here) who trusts me, loves me, and motivates me. We both have been busy so hard for our families and our careers. Our conversations are getting shorter and we always rush when we are together. I crave friendly conversations and our regular meetups when we used to give each other comfort and encouragement.

We are trying our best to be in touch with each other, but failing to do so. My friend and I strive to be each other’s pillar of support, just like you intended for us. I desire to see us grow and mature together. I also desire more time to spend with my friend. Help me and my friend to be strong while our life is busy. Bring us back together to share a meal, have a coffee, or go to the Church soon. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Prayers for Adventures with Friends

Many of us love regular adventures with our friends. I remember the time when we used to take frequent road trips together. As newly married couples, we had fewer responsibilities. So, we would make impromptu adventures and have loads of fun together.

Over a period, our families grew. But, as we get busier, we are choosing less and fewer opportunities for adventures.This Thanksgiving, you can bring your close friends and their families to cook the meals together. Of course, follow your local rules. Hopefully, by then we all get to be free to travel and be with one another.  Together, find more family-friendly and kid-friendly adventures. You will never know the possibility until you seek it. Here is the prayer for it.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my friends and for the gift of their wonderful friendship! Thank you for all the exciting memories we have made together over the years. On this day, we our friendship is always an adventure, full of unforgettable joyful experiences, and equally important lessons learned. We pray you to bless us both, our families, our work, and our children so that even they experience the joys of our adventures together. We pray for an extraordinary life with our extraordinary friend. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Prayer for friends whom you’ve lost over the years

When you grow up or move away from each other, it can be hard to keep up with friends frequently. It can happen because of work, family, marriage or even schools. Some friends lose touch with each other for no particular reason. And some lose friends due to hurt, gossip or envy.

We all have a part to play in each other’s lives. Some friends just choose to stay away. And that is fine too. Your heart may long for good old friendly conversations. After all, you once trusted that friend. 

Bible says- Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. Proverbs 10:12.

If you trust each other, you can still revive this old friendship.

You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Following Thanksgiving Prayers for friends may help you find the answer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me the experiences of friendship (insert the name of your friend here). Thank you for all the exciting memories we made and shared. But my heart is aching due to (say the reason here). Lord, if this friendship is important to do your will, I pray you to bring us together. Please protect us from fear, envy, jealousy, or (say the feeling you have here) that came in between our friendship. Bring your light and wisdom in this situation and refrain both of us from falling prey to prejudice, incorrect conclusions, gossip, or hatred.

I pray you to talk with both of us. Gently push us to choose the right words to communicate with each other. I also pray that we both submit to your will and the plans you have prepared for us collectively and individually. I pray for healing, prosperity, and goodness for my friend (insert name here), in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Prayers for friends at work or those who need work

During this pandemic, you may have taken the time to rethink your career choice. Any change in workplace is a massive change in lifestyle. The one that comes with its fair share of bumps, surprises, mistakes and many lessons. 

In these times of change, our friends need guidance or help to find new jobs or opportunities. Why not pray for them during Thanksgiving?  Or you may have a friend who helped you navigate this career change recently. I know I have got a ton of help from my blogging friends in my online shop and all the adventure it came with. Without their wise tips, I would have taken months to figure it out all on my own.

Bible says- Praise the Lord for your friend who shares her wisdom with you, helping you to grow wiser- Proverbs 13:20.

You can also pray with them together and reflect on the following verse.

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and hope. Jeremiah 29:11.

Prayer for friends who are tired of waiting for success or happiness

We are used to instant gratification and rarely wait for success these days. We find happiness in shopping, in watching TV & movies, while some resort to quick wins without giving a proper thought to the ultimate outcomes. But, Bible Says-

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails- Proverbs  19:21.

Think about this verse the next time your friend complains about waiting for something good in her life. Encourage her to remember following verses when reciting one of these Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans- Proverbs 16:3. Also, keep her sight on the verse- All things are possible for one who believes. Mark 9:23.

Thanksgiving Prayer for a tired friend.

I am sure that you have at least one friend who is tired of fulfilling all her duties. As a daughter, a wife, a mom, or as a busy professional, we really do a lot of things every day. I have so many friends who are on the verge of a burn out from their work, never-ending household tasks, children’s education, social commitments and their own career aspirations. Below Thanksgiving Prayer is are specially written for such a friend.        

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for my friend (insert her name). Today, I come before you to pray for my friend who is tired and exhausted. She needs your strength to carry her forward. Fill her with your peace, joy, and everlasting love. Help her take good rest and take care of herself. Help her family and her children to show their compassion and care for her. Restore her mind to calm and tranquility so that she can fulfill her responsibilities easily. I claim the healing for my friend (her name) in Jesus’ name, Amen!

What if you do not know how to help your friend?

It is OK to not have the answer for your friend. All she may need from you is your time and attention. Use below Thanksgiving Prayers for friends to help them find their own own solutions.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

My friend (insert her name) is seeking my counsel for her problem (insert the problem here). But I am not sure how to help her out. I pray you to bring your light on this situation so that she gets the path forward. While I pray for your guidance, I pray she manages her time and other resources wisely, so that she will get the rest she needs. Help my friend to prioritize her life, let go of things and projects that no longer serve you, and find peace in you. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Prayer for friends who are currently hurting

During Pandemic, some of your friends may be in pain because of personal or family separations. Some of them may have suffered a loss or an illness. Please remember what Bible says,

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7.

To help your friend, include the following prayer in your daily bible study.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray for my friend (insert the name here) who is in pain. I pray for her and her loved ones who feel trapped in an unloving relationship. My friend is suffering from exhaustion, negative self-talk, hurt, and defeat. I know you are working for this friend and you are also sad that she is suffering. May Your peace fill her heart. During this time, may Your strength carry her. Please give her the stamina to remain faithful and to pray regularly for Your will to be done in her life. I pray for joy amidst her pain and wish to express gratitude among the sorrows surrounding her. I love You Lord and I pray for bringing happiness, peace, and loving relationships in my friend’s life, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Thanksgiving Prayer for friends who once hurt you

We all are humans, and we are not perfect. We all have experienced hurt in our friendships. Your best friend may have said a hurtful thing or, worse, remain quiet when you expected her to say something.

We won’t know why we do some things and why we don’t. But do not be quick to judge or impose your judgement on others. 

 Colorful FREE printables for Thanksgiving Prayers
Beautifully Designed Mandala Thanksgiving Prayers Printables

Bible says- Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6.

For such situations, for Thanksgiving Prayer can help you.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for having grace with me, every moment of every day. I realize that my attitude does not show the trust or the joy I have in you and the friends you brought to me. I quickly judge and feel offended, even if my friends do not intend to cause me pain. For that, I am deeply saddened. Holy Spirit, please refine me. I pray I carry an attitude of gratitude, where thankfulness precedes every action, word, and thought of me. Fill me with your righteousness and transform my heart. I pray that I have a thankful heart for my friends. When we are together or apart, may my words be affirming and my heart overflowing with joy. I pray over our friendships, asking that You guide us, Lord. Show us how to extend grace to one another in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Prayer for friends who are seeking love

In our modern society, it is harder to find true love. Once you find it, it is even harder to nurture it for a lifetime. Do you have a friend who is seeking truthful and honest love? The prayer below will be useful for her.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank You for the relationships you have blessed me with. I pray for my friend (write the name here). I lift her up to you and ask that you watch over her. Protect her God and bring her true love, who is honest, God-fearing, and compassionate. Take all her cares, worries, and concerns over choosing the right life partner or (maintain a loving relationship with her spouse). There is a reason you have brought this experience (write here what) to her. I pray you to encourage her to seek you and your council to make the right decisions that will bring glory to you. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Prayers for friends who conflict with you

Conflicts are double-edged swords. If we use them constructively and work together to solve them, our lives get better. 

Bible says- As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another-Proverbs 27:17.

When we refuse to work on them together objectively, it can lead to a lot of hurt. That is why Thanksgiving Prayers for friends are so important.

In past few years, the global political and economic situations have been changing. Some of us are choosing to move to different destinations for friendly local communities. And, some of us are homeschooling our children because of restrictions in local public school education. All of this has led to differences of opinion between friends.

Bible says- There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing- Proverbs 12:18.

We all are doing the best according to our own ability to understand this situation. Bible has many incidents like what we are seeing now. It is there to guide us in these conflicting situations. Thanksgiving is a wonderful opportunity to remove this conflict and pray for your friends. 

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank You for blessing me and my friend (insert name here) with this friendship. You are testing us in these tough times to refine us, strengthen us in our faith. We lift our friendships to you so that you resolve the conflict we are facing currently. Please guide both of us while we work on our communication, our feelings, and our understanding of this situation (write the reason for conflict here). May your peace and wisdom be upon us. May you guide us to be humble, generous, and welcoming to each other’s opinions. Please protect us from hurting each other by neglecting overcharged emotions, or anger. We pray we become the best friends you intend us to be, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Prayers to show generosity to friends

Do you remember the last time you helped your friend with kindness without her asking for it? How did it feel? How did she feel? God knows how many times I wished for help from someone and my friends have dropped in to offer it. It is strange how true friends know you and your thoughts.

You may have seen a friend pitch in to take your kids to after school activity or pick up your groceries on the days when you could barely lift your finger. Mothers who home-school their children know about the acts of random kindness from other homeschooling families.

For those of you who started homeschooling, it was a new change and a scary one too. But if you had reached out to other homeschooling families, I’m sure someone had offered help to you and your children.

Bible says- A generous person will be prosperous, and one who gives others plenty of water will himself be given plenty- Proverbs 11:25.

Prayers for comparison and envy in friendship

Many people have lost their once beloved friends because of envy or jealousy. Social media is one of the reason for this. People project their fancy lifestyle or perfect relationships on social media. Even though we feel good about seeing them happy, at some point, when we are down to life’s challenges, comparison can creep into our minds. When that happens, use the following prayer and guard your heart from this emotion.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

I pray for friends around the world. I pray for all friends to respect each other and value their purpose in their friendships. We all have different paths and different goals, but I pray that we all walk upon faith and in unison to support each other reach our individual goals. I pray that your Holy Spirit shines on all friendships and avoid them from getting caught with the traps of an offense, a dispute, comparison, or jealousy. Teach us, oh Father, to respect an individual’s choices, preferences, and decisions for raising our children, managing our households, or even the political interests. You have created us all uniquely, and it is our duty to respect that uniqueness. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Family and Friends Praying Together at Thanksgiving Table
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Prayers for managing expectations within friends

This is a big reason for stress in any relationships. Friends are like our extended family, so we need to manage their expectations just like our family members. Your long-time friends may not always share their expectations with you. E.g. talking to each other once a month is fine for some friends. But for some, it may be a sign of lack of interest for some other people.

If you need help in this area, use the following prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my friend (insert name here). You have brought us together to do your goodwill. But sometimes, we find it hard to communicate with each other. We expect different things from each other. You have taught us to be humble and flexible. I pray that we both learn to understand each other’s expectations and be flexible about them. Our lives are changing, help us learn to adapt to these changes.

When one of us needs council, I pray that we communicate wisely, with no prejudice. Keep a watch over our hearts and our speech. I pray you to guard our hearts against harboring any hurt because of unmet expectations. Bless our friendship, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Prayer for Forgiveness in friendship

This is a universal prayer. But among friends, the reason for getting hurt can be unintentional. When that happens, use the following prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the gifts of friendships you brought into my life. You want me to be a supportive and compassionate friend. I have been ignoring my responsibility towards my friends. Many times, I justify that by being busy or being stressed. Sometimes, I shut my friends and do not talk to anyone. Those are the times I need them the most. Today, I pray I will be a thoughtful, kind, and joyful friend. Please encourage me to take every opportunity to bless my friends and their loved ones. I pray I would never judge myself or others to keep me from engaging in uplifting conversations. I pray for myself and my friends. May we both grow in Jesus’s name, Amen!

What do you do when you are feeling alone and do not have friends?

You can still pray for getting new friendships. Paul, in the new testament, he was literally praying for people he had never met. He prayed that they would be filled with the knowledge of [God’s] will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” – Colossians 1:9.

So, if you don’t have friends around you yet, pray for the friends and the qualities you seek in them. Sure, it’s hard to pray when you do not know the person for whom you are praying. But with time and practice, it will get easier. A powerful prayer comes from a heart that overflows with love for people and a deep desire to find like-minded friends.

God know what you need before you ask!

It may take a while to find friends. But always know that these prayers are working for you and your friends. God knows what you seek before you even pray for what need. He knows us first. Isaiah 65:24 tells us, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear”

Time spent in prayer is never wasted.

Francois Fenelon.

When you find them, do not forget to thank the Lord for bringing them to you. Remember, a passion for people leads to a passion for prayer. And that’s what a thanksgiving prayer is all about. 

“Acknowledge your Father, the wholly unchanging Giver of every good and perfect gift. Thank him for the good gift of friendship,”- James 1:17.

Thanksgiving Prayer for finding new friends

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You so much for Your promises, and the friendships you bring to me. I desperately long for genuine, trustworthy, compassionate, truth-seeking, and loving friends. May your love for us to break through the barriers of location and time. Show us the signs of amazing friendships and motivate us to get to know each other better. I know my friends are near and they love me just as I love them and you. Let both of us grow in our knowledge of you and your voice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Now comes the time for getting your FREE Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends Printable. Click the image below and it will download your free PDF. It is in US letter size (8.5 X 11 inch) so you can print it at home as well.

Free Printable with Thanksgiving Prayers

Share these printables with your friends. These will help you share the love and comfort of God with your friends. 


I would love to know your thoughts on these prayers. How do you pray for your friends? Please share your experiences and prayers with me. We all can pray together for stronger, happier, and healthier friendships around the world!

By Dee Pawar, Blogger, and Founder at Conscious Debt Free Life where she inspires families to live a Frugal, Debt-free life without a struggle and shares her debt-free adventures in the city.

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1 thought on “17 Thanksgiving Prayers for Friends”

  1. I have lost so many friends over the years due to illness, conflicts and now this political environment. I am going to pray for my friends and new ones with these prayers. Thank you for teaching me how to write simple heartfelt prayers.

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