Psychologists recommend mothers go on mini vacations

This is perfect timing. Last night my husband slept on an air mattress because I just couldn’t take it anymore. But it’s not what you’re thinking…

Before I divulge my personal challenges, I want to share one thing.

Psychologist Recommend Momcations

I read today that psychologists recommend moms go on mini vacations – and not just a trip to Target without the kids. No. A two night vacation away from normal mom life.

If you’ve ever been changing a diaper while a toddler is asking for a snack and at the same time trying to clean the kitchen for the fifth time and dreaming about a clean home and uninterrupted shower – well, you know what I’m talking about. That run on sentence is pretty much how my mind works now.

We’re constantly on the go as moms with young or older children.

Make breakfast.

Clean up.

Change a diaper.

Nurse the baby.

Make snacks.

Clean up.

Help the toddler on the potty.

Search for the missing socks your kid just can’t live without.

Change another diaper.

Reheat coffee.

Find yesterday’s coffee in the microwave.

And that’s all before 9:35 AM.

As moms, it’s okay to take a break. A 48 hour break. The Creator of the Universe rested after six days of work. Why do you think you can go non-stop?

Motherhood is a 24/7 Shift

Being a mother is amazing and a huge blessing. I adore and love my children so much. They fill my life with purpose, sweet hugs and so much laughter.

But a mom can not live on cuddles and snuggles alone. All moms need a bit of a break.

As a stay at home mom or working mom, you’re constantly working. Your kids need you 24/7. Not even the most grueling corporate job requires you to work 24 hours a day non stop.

Take a break. Rest. Recover. And return as a more patient and stronger mom.

Oh yes, and the reason why my husband slept on an air mattress last night is because I was overly tired. For the last week my 11 month old baby has been getting up at least three times a night. I was exhausted, at my wits end and weepy. And you know when the weepies start – that’s when I *really* need sleep. When I can cry at the drop of a pin, yup, then I need a break.

So my dear hubby slept in the baby’s room all night and gave me a solid 8 hours of sleep. It was lovely. I was able to wake up at 5AM and answer emails from my students. I knew I needed a break, and he volunteered.

Momma, if you need a break, ask for it. You’ll return a stronger mom!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

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2 thoughts on “Psychologists recommend mothers go on mini vacations”

  1. Totally agree! I’m also a SAHM and I’ve been away on a trip with a few mom friends and it was A-MAY-SINGGGGG..
    Thinking to make it a yearly thing. *beam*

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