10 Ways On How To Be A Happy Stay At Home Mom

10 ways on how to be a happy stay at home mom.

Are you a stay at home mom struggling with being happy?

Are your family members starting to notice a weary toll on you?

Do the days passing by feel dreary and sometimes even boring?

That’s okay, most stay at home moms I know personally feel this way too! And it is completely normal. Nobody is perfect and you aren’t expected to be, no matter what anyone tells you.

What does stay at home moms do?

I have been a stay at home mom going on 7 years now and I have been tending to my babies since they were born. Not only do I take care of my little humans which are a full-time job in itself. I also help my husband out by making him healthy breakfasts and packing him warm home made lunches daily.

There’s always that negative stereotype going around society, saying that stay at home moms are lazy and don’t do much.

We actually really do.

Being a stay at home mom is rewarding.

Not only are we saving cost with childcare, but we’re also helping raise our babies with the utmost care and attention. As great at I feel about my decision of being a stay at home mom, this choice didn’t come lightly.

I knew deep inside I would not be happy, especially since I was a negative person back then.

That’s why I have compiled a list of 10 ways on how to be a happy stay at home mom to help you better your life and be happy and confident about your decision to be a stay at home mom.

10 ways on how to be a happy stay at home mom.

  • Plan a much needed “me” time for yourself throughout your day, even if it’s in short intervals at a time. Having time to yourself as a stay at home mom is so necessary! You truly don’t want to be so overworked that you’re running on empty, and there’s nothing left to give.
  • Have a timed daily schedule for your children so you aren’t that stressed out. Having a timed schedule teaches your children to get ready for school and the future. This is definitely not a bad idea to start them off young and it also helps give your day structure. Structure is always a good thing for children while growing up.

How to enjoy being a stay at home mom.

  • Pick different places to go with your children. Not only is going to new places exciting, but it will make you happy seeing your little’s faces light up when they reach a new destination! I remember exactly my children’s faces when I took them to the zoo for the first time. It was so rewarding and a moment I won’t forget in the days to come.
  • Call your friends to chat and update them on your life when you have a few moments to yourself. It’s important to remember that you have friends, no matter how busy you may be! Often times, we get so sidetracked from our children and our busy lives we tend to forget we have friendships to keep too.

Don’t forget your friends.

Having friendships is necessary for your life, even when you’re so focused on your children. Don’t forget about yourself too, mama! Trust me, I know the feeling when you’ve glanced down at the text your friend sent you, all to check for a reply later and realize you never actually wrote anything! Why? Because you were busy grabbing your toddler when they were trying to climb on top of a table!

  • Find a hobby to spend your spare time on (I found blogging) and focus on that. Learning new things keeps the stay at home mom life busy. There’s nothing worse than being at home and you’ve accomplished all your tasks, right? You’re just sitting there sort of wishing you had something to do. Besides napping, I’d rather be blogging! My creative outlet has seriously bought me so much joy and busywork.
  • Devote time to your hobby, learn your craft in order to reach your full potential. Your hobby doesn’t have to be blogging. It can be whatever makes you happy. That’s the goal, right? The happier you are at home with your life, the happier your children and husband will be too.

Spending time on your hobbies is never a bad thing.

When I first became a stay at home mom, I did ALL the things. I mean, ALL. I cleaned until I could clean no more, I tried so many recipes my kitchen was a disaster, and I even became so miserable I started spending money we didn’t have to spend.

Scrolling through Instagram one day once I put my oldest daughter down for a nap, I came across the planning community. Falling in love with planning was first. Then, I started spending a lot of money on planning supplies. Finally, I gravitated back towards my love of writing and it was my husband’s idea to get my own website. He saw how much I loved reading and writing and he wanted me to have an outlet and be happy.


Staying positive as a stay at home mom.

  • Say your daily positive affirmations. Saying my affirmations to myself in the mirror before anything was life-changing. This was giving me positive feels all around. And I hadn’t ever experienced that for myself! I come from a negative family and becoming positive was the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • Plan a trip out with your closest friends, even if it’s just attending a fun concert. You can relax and unwind and talk about funny stories of your past, back in high school! You’re a parent, but you’re also a person too. A person that’s allowed to have fun and relax.
  • Meditate to bring you inner peace and joy. This is an all-time favorite tip of mine because meditating is so rewarding. Taking that silent time to yourself can be perfect after a long and hectic day with the kids. You can even start your morning off right and meditate before your child is even out of bed.
  • Keep a prayer journal. I do this as often as I can. Realistically, life gets in the way. Sometimes, I do have free time and I enjoy it by filling the quiet time writing. I enjoy writing prayers to God and reflecting on my days later. Letting God know what’s going on in my life as a busy stay at home mom, truly relieves me.

I truly hope these tips have helped you in your journey as a stay at home mom.

Until next time,




Hello, my name is Noemi McElearney. I’m a stay at home mom of 2 and a wife of 7 years. I write about motherhood, lifestyle, positive affirmations, and marriage. You can visit my website at www.mrsplanahead.com

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