Farmhouse Décor Confessional
Farmhouse tables, ship lap, chalk paint, rustic wood, chippy metals… If these don’t mean anything to you, you probably haven’t jumped on the farmhouse décor boat. If they make you all heart eyed and you even scrolled down the post searching for photos, you are probably a farmhouse décor addict like me.
As moms we know how hard it is to have nice things, and keep them nice! Farmhouse style revolves around rustic, comfortable, and shabby chic design and décor. It is highly credited to the very talented Chip and Joanna Gaines and seems to have hit its peak in the past couple years.
This trend isn’t for everyone, but I decided it is for me.
A home that feels comfortable, timeless, AND beautiful? Sign me up!
I am a licensed Interior Designer for a living, but my love for designing my own home is my hobby. It truly makes me happy and I would be lying if I said I don’t think about it daily. Every morning I sit down with my cup of coffee and scroll through my emails waiting for the next big sale or deal on items for our home. I usually have an idea what’s missing and what I am looking for. It’s not hard for me to make the small purchases or convince my husband we need one of the higher priced items, especially if it’s a deal! The challenging part is budgeting my money and setting aside the same attention to my wardrobe, or the kids wardrobe!
The other day we took our children shoe shopping. My son’s second pair of sneakers in 7 months is ripping at the seams and my daughter’s feet are growing like a weed. We took them to the mall to search for new shoes and I had high hopes but it didn’t end well, for them.
“Sorry honey, we just don’t have the money for those light up sneakers you want from the mall. The ones that make you so incredibly happy that your eyes sparkle. Yes, the ones on your feet that you’re trying and jumping for joy in. I know you can’t wait to show them off to your friends who all have the same pair. I hate breaking your heart, I will do my best to make it up to you, but we just can’t spend $50 on shoes you’ll grow right out of. I will find a better deal.”
What my daughter doesn’t know is her well-meaning mother has a hard time spending top dollar on new shoes for her, but no problem buying new wall sconces for the dining room and a set of boxwood wreaths for the kitchen nook just a few days before. In my defense, I got a really good deal, and those shoes were not!
While I am at it, I have a few other confessions to make…
Confession #2:
When my husband asks what I want to do for our 8-year anniversary I won’t ask for an expensive dinner, a dozen roses, or nice jewelry. What I really want is a new light fixture for our dining room that I have been eyeballing and researching for months. Meanwhile, my kids wardrobes have taken the backseat and I know it’s only a matter of time before they catch on.
Confession #3:
My favorite store is TJ Maxx and you know you have a problem when your oldest starts singing the theme song to PJ Masks when you pull into the parking lot. I mean, where else can you find a cute new dress and farmhouse decor in one stop?!
Confession #4:
I follow many very talented farmhouse décor ladies on Instagram and usually catch up on their insta-stories while my kids catch up on Bubble Guppies. This may or may not be the time I make impulse purchases based on their reviews, or add their items to my wish list.
Confession #5:
I let my children feel included in my hobby by helping me open every single package I order. They pop the packaging and “Oooo and Ahhh” with me at the new items. (Not yet realizing they still don’t have those new shoes). If it’s something that I need to hang, they help me get out the tools and watch me precisely hang it on the wall and snap a photo with pride.
Confession #6:
I call myself the mouse in “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” I’m pretty sure once my husband buys me our new dining light fixture I’ll be asking for something else to go with it. Like a matching light in the foyer…
Confession #7:
My kids think they have a say what their rooms look like, but they don’t. I have learned how to give them options, all which work with my vision of course! Again, I know it’s only a matter of time before they catch onto this too so I might as well enjoy the control while I can.
Confession #8:
We definitely missed the farmhouse décor boat when we painted the interior of our home 5 years ago, but now I am fully on board and need to tell my husband I really want to paint the main living spaces of our home… again.
So if you see us at the park and my sons shoes are ripping at the seams or his pants are too short, it could be because I let him dress himself, but most likely it is because I got distracted by the decor at TJ Maxx and forgot to head to the boys section.
Have you jumped on the farmhouse décor boat?
Jackie is a licensed Interior Designer specializing in Healthcare. She is married to her college sweetheart and they have 3 young children. She enjoys spending time with her family outdoors, working on their home, sleeping when she can, and drinking coffee when she can’t!
Great article!
You nailed it Jackie! I can soooo relate!
I am absolutely convinced that Joanna Gaines is my spirit animal and I am slightly obsessed with all things involving her and her hubs. While I love the farmhouse style, I am trying to evolve it in my own home to a slightly ‘Coastal Farmhouse’. And anytime you’d like to come over and work your magic at my home, I have coffee and reruns of Fixer Upper on tap. Great job on the article!!
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